Purpose & Vision
To give young people a true sense of purpose; to empower them to create better options for the future.
- Openness to learning: changing mind-sets, making learning fun, rewarding and relevant
- Igniting young leadership: how to be the best of you
- Resilience: the confidence to be true to themselves, resisting peer-group pressure and fear
- Development of self-esteem, motivation and confidence in future aspirations via psychometrics
- The best nutrition as a fuel for learning and self-improvement
- Employability: having the tools to make the right choices and skills to research, establish advantages and employer links, goals and plan
Our programme is inclusive
- We do not believe in labelling young people. Our programme is for everyone, targeting young people in education, whether at school, college or university. All young people have a purpose and will benefit from this type of mentorship, group coaching and training.
Next Generation Education
We believe that children are our future. We believe in inclusion. We are committed to empowering young people to be able to make the best possible choices to help make the world we share into a better place.

In a Snapshot
- Available to young people in education – early intervention
- Interventionist – eliminates problems before they happen – proactive not reactive
- Inclusive – it is for everyone – not stratified along lines of traditional ‘achievement’ or ‘ability’
- Better mental health via building of self-esteem and valuing individual self-worth
- Creates a sense of belonging and empathy within the school community
- Creates a happier workforce
- Fostering the confidence for creative entrepreneurship
- Fosters empowerment, resilience, fulfilment
- Will lower crime rates
- Will lower youth unemployment
- Better nutrition awareness, anti-obesity
- Creating a safer, happier and better world
Igniting Young Leadership
Your Ideal State to Be Great
Based on the Spiral of Success and Learning-Mode Process:
Gain clarity into potential goal –> Take inspired action –> Reflect to make Improvements
Set The Tone For Success
AIM: Create an ideal state for students to learn new information.
- Set a clear vision & foundation for striving with excellence
- Access a practical tool that supports their goals
- Identify natural strengths + common fears
Identity & Identify With Success
AIM: Create Ideal State for Exam Preparation
- Identify core Success Mindset Beliefs (SMB) to improve revision + prevent overwhelm.
- Implement the tool at school + home to foster the process
Set the Beliefs of Success
AIM: Create Ideal State for Showing Up Ready
- Establish students’ Triad of Success to ensure their best performance
- Develop awareness of how to improve focus, concentration and stamina.
Developing Patterns of Success
AIM: To Begin Strong & Great
- Activate 2 core pillars of GCSE success: Confidence + Energy
- Boost their beliefs, mental engagement, memory
Language of Success
AIM: Create Ideal State for Stamina & Excellence
DELIVERY: Mid-exams
- Fortify efforts, energy and endurance
- Fuel momentum & motivation to do their best
The Fuel
Each session will focus on a macronutrient and the direct relationship with how we look, feel, think and move, informing and empowering learners to make the best choices nutritionally
Fuelling your Potential
AIM: Create understanding of working from the inside out to provide power for the body, mind and spirit
- Know the importance of food provenance
- Understand links to sustainability
- Identify and appreciate cultural differences
- Able to analyse own food habits
Power in Balance
AIM: Create understanding of how to meet personal nutritional needs
- Identify fuel energisers and drainers
- Balancing intake for body and mind
- Identifying mood food
- Identify food for hair, nails and skin
- Food and body hygiene
- Making own products from natural ingredients
Designing Smoothies
AIM: Introduction to food design and innovation
- Importance of seasonality
- Creating sensory experiences Introduction to innovation and design
- Making smoothies for all
- Sharing nutritional learning
- Feedback from parents and participants
Delivered using an interactive learning approach. Learners will be carrying out a series tasks using ICT technology, group discussion, co-learning/teaching, and workshop approaches.
Resilience and You
AIM: Set foundations for Resilience
- a clear understanding of Resilience and how it applies to the School environment
- recognising common challenges
- Improved emotional intelligence
- Recognise where personal resilience can be improved
Control of Reactions
AIM: Empower greater control over responses to challenges and circumstances
- Building a reliable strategy for awareness of own reactions
- improve awareness of self and surrounding circumstances
- Learn the skills to control and modify potentially overwhelming reactions
Power and Potential
AIM: Owning resilience development for personal benefit and realising future potential
- Knowing how to apply Resilience and Reaction training to own environment and related context
- Turning challenges into opportunities
- Positively Influence circumstances / situations
- Guidance for maintaining own ongoing development
Your Signature Strengths
Unlocking Your Potential
Helping students to know more about who they are, identify some of the strengths that they have to offer and begin to explore where these strengths can be used in the workplace.
Introduce DISC theory
AIM: Students learn about their strengths potential
- Identify some of their signature strengths
- Identify their potential workplace strengths
- Understand how their communication may be seen by others
Putting DISC to work
AIM: Students learn how strengths are used at work
- Identify personal motivators and development areas
- Understand how strengths are used in workplace roles
- Identify the workplace environments they could thrive in
Who am I & who are you?
AIM: Students review unique personal profile
- Identify career paths that play to strengths
- Understand how to research career options
- Know how to describe themselves at their best
Taking the knowledge acquired so far and applying it to real life choices.
The Scope
AIM: Students learn about their broad scope and options for their future pathway
- Understanding all the options: HE, FE, Apprenticeships, Internships, Jobs
- Learn the implications of subject options
- Understanding the value of work experience
Get Yourself into the Driving Seat
AIM: Students learn how be become the Number 1 choice for employers
- How to be pro-active with prospective employers
- Knowledge of the stuff they don’t tell you: the myths and legends
- How to get the upper edge
The Plan of Action
AIM: Students format their personalised action plan for success
- A clear and congruent pathway
- Keeping options open
- Awareness of employer options and pathways
- Development of the contingency plan
- Plan for follow-up
Jackie Bedford
Samantha Cairns
Wai Cheung
Applied Consciousness Technologies
Katie Frost
Coach and Psychometrics
Jaleh M Zandieh
Sustainable Leadership Consultant